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About the Piece

It is quite remarkable the way Perciyal can uncover subtle features of her own psychology through the simplest of self-portraits. This portrait of the artist removes all facial features and reduces her to a skin colour against a soft, pink, feminine background. A circle encloses her head like a halo perhaps referring us to her religion. The circle's orbit is juxtaposed with the seed that replaces her throat. This seed is known for falling to the earth in a 'helicopter' movement, turning in the wind. One thinks of terms such as the 'wind pipe' and also about the motion of food moving down the throat of the artist. We are reminded of two things with which we feed the body in this image: God and food.
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Untitled (Sketchbook series)

By K. Benitha Perciyal - Chennai 2006 Featured In: RE-BIRTH: THE ART OF K. BENITHA PERCIYALSURFACE AND SOUTH INDIA @ Gerald Moore Gallery PERC0019 Mixed media Mid-Investment Framed
Framed: 15.5 x 19.5
Unframed: 11 x 15
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